Friday 7 December 2012

Kimono Collection: Black Chrysanthemum and Navy Blue Sharingan Hanhaba Obi

I bought two obi from my favourite shop (≧∇≦). They are hanhaba. Both of them are synthetic and woven. These obi are very versatile since black can go with any color and the navy blue has the mirror side, which is white. These obi came in handy when Dinda, one of my friend decided to visit Yogyakarta for about a week. She was having a long vacation after bitter separation from her ex. Now that I mentioned it, let's not talk about that. During that time, there was also a matsuri named Jogja Japan Week so we dashed to the matsuri without hesitation. I dressed up her with my brand new dark blue yukata. Dinda loved the blue side more, so I put the navy blue hanhaba but as for the musubi, I showed the white side one ^_^. More picture of the events will be uploaded soon in the next post.


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