Saturday 2 February 2013

Bokuchu: 700 Days Us vs Police (revisited)

I've watched this movie many times. The laugh still comes out everytime some specific scenes appear. Seriously, I wonder if there are any guys like them in real life. They are mischievous and hilarious boys. Mamachari, Saijo, Inoue, Jamie, Takaaki, Chiba and Tsujimura were just normal high schooler in a small city (or village). They loved to pull a prank into their environment. After a policeman was stationed in their city, they found a new rival. During their high school days, they tried to challenge this policeman. From pulling off a speed machine with their bicycle into how to make a super stinky material to fool the policeman were some of their wicked plan. The policeman wasn't sit nicely too, some 'revenge' were also launched and the boys counterattacked. Don't mind about their silly and crazy acts since they were destined to take care a serious matter near the end of the movie. It's a nice movie filled with friendship and laughs, sweats and tears of the youth. I recommend you guys to watch this movie. Still my favourite movie, Hayato Ichihara's wacky acting as Mamachari also gave this movie a plus. The other cast, Saijou the pervert master, Chiba the glutton maniac, Takaaki with dozen of siblings, Jamie the pretty boy, Inoue the boy next door and Tsujimura the alien guy made the movie are worth to watch.


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