Sunday 23 February 2014

Kitsuke February 2014 Part 2: Catlya's Wedding Reception

This is the third time I went to someone's wedding reception wearing kimono. The first one was for Lia's wedding reception (red the post here), as for the second was for Decchan's ones (read the post here). This time I went to Catlya's wedding reception. She is one of my collage friend in dentistry faculty of UGM.

It's kinda quick ensemble for this occasion. I decided it for the last minute after I couldn't find to find my black-and white all purpose heels. I dressed the whole ensemble at Cunil's place as three of us (Cunil, Ita and I) were going to GSP (Grha Sabha Pramana), where the wedding reception was going to be held. It was raining cat and dog; we went there by taxi. Returning back home, Cunil and I decided to hitch hike our friend's car. I dissembled all at Cunil place before heading to my own place. The wedding reception was nice and one of booth operator asked me where I got my kimono. Too bad I didn't bring my namecard so she didn't have a chance to ask more.

Iromuji; silk pink woven
Obi; nagoya black woven kikyou
Haneri; stripes black and white
Obiage; stripes black and white
Obijime; pink
Pink-purple heels


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